Enhanced Performance and SS7 Interface to iBasis Award-Winning Analytics Tool InVision

Enhanced InVision Performance Leveraging State of Art Tier 1 Data Center

iBasis has recently completed a major upgrade to our InVision infrastructure, moving to a top tier facility with state of the art security.  The new infrastructure is optimally designed to enhance data analysis and delivery capabilities.  Critical services such as proactive quality monitoring and business intelligence will benefit from increased speed, redundancy, and security.

The modern Tier 1 facility is also designed to sustain our exponential growth in mobile and IoT/M2M.

InVision SS7 Module Accessible via Same Interface as GRX/S8

iBasis has begun development of our SS7 InVision tooling to provide InVison subscribers the same Graphical User Interface (GUI) as the existing InVision GRX/S8 tool. The GUI has been designed to provide real-time visibility of your traffic performances.

Once theSS7 tooling is complete, the existing Diameter modules will be integrated in the same GUI.. With this integration you will have consolidated access to all of the different traffic types of traffic and can easily select any traffic pattern you would like to review.

We will continue to provide regular InVision updates via our email tips.  If you have not subscribed to receive InVision tip updates please email invision@ibasis.net today.

InVision Analytics Tool
InVision SS7 Module