Webinar: Enabling Massive IoT Deployments with Global LTE-M and NB-IoT Cellular Connectivity

Now viewable on-demand above, in this webinar you will learn from the technical experts at Nordic Semiconductor and iBASIS about best practices in developing, testing, and connecting the cellular IoT and eSIM technology used in NB-IoT and LTE-M Low Power Wide-Area (LPWA) devices.

By leveraging the iBASIS single global, remotely programmable eSIM, Nordic customers are now able to connect and monitor their LPWA devices globally without the logistics of employing different SIM cards in each country.

Followed by a Q/A session and a quick demo of the iBASIS eSIM management portal, the presentation topics included:

  • How to select the best global connectivity solution
  • How Nordic specializes in ultra-low power performance wireless technology
  • How iBASIS provides global connectivity with multiple MNOs
  • How the Nordic modem operates to select and connect to the network
  • How you can ensure reliability and avoid coverage gaps
  • Best practices when troubleshooting connectivity
  • How to move from Development to Production

If you have any questions or would like to take additional steps towards your global IoT deployment, please reach out to Iuliana Bigu at ibigu@iBASIS.net.