Meet Us at WAS#21Posted on February 10, 2025In Events MEET THE TEAM AT WAS#21 April 8 – 10, 2025Dubai, UAE The iBASIS team is eager to meet and discuss your biggest challenges facing the industry, customer needs and how iBASIS can help you Be There First.Schedule a meeting now. REQUEST A MEETING FIRST NAME*LAST NAME*COMPANYTITLE*EMAIL* PHONE*INTERESTED IN* VoLTE Interworking 5G Testing & Enablement RCS Termination Business Messaging Monetization Signaling Security Roaming Analytics Other SUBSCRIBE Add me to the iBASIS mailing list for quarterly Newsletters and periodic updates. Subscription can be altered at any time. We will not spam you or sell your information. GDPR AGREEMENT* I consent to having this website store my submitted information in order to respond to my inquiry. I agree to the Privacy Policy. *CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.