This past summer the Roam Like Home policy has significantly increased both signaling and data volumes. This is a trend which will be here to stay. The GRX traffic on the iBasis network quadrupled and the amount of average signaling more than doubled. For some customers, we observed up to a tenfold increase in traffic as a result of Roam Like Home. During the European Soccer Women’s championship, we experienced the highest peak in traffic with one customer jumping from 1Gbps to 19Gbps!.
By forecasting traffic peaks with the event management plan, developed in close cooperation with your teams, we can help to prepare and be ready to respond to all demand peaks.
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Even in exceptional situations, we can help manage both the peer and customer traffic to ensure that the end-to-end connection meets the Quality of Service required by your end customers. We are committed to excellence and strive to never allow traffic to be dropped.
We are focused on providing Excellence, especially in challenging situations. To achieve this, we continuously leverage our partnerships and adapt to meet our customers needs!