Anyone in the fraud prevention space implicitly understands the need to continually adapt and improve Fraud Management Systems (FMS) to be able to react to fraudsters’ latest innovations. The Voice Telecommunications industry is no exception.
To ensure that the iBasis Fraud Management System, FraudAlert, can react to the latest innovations in Fraud, we have enhanced and improved FraudAlert. The enhanced FraudAlert now combines reactive and proactive elements for better detection and prevention of voice fraud techniques such as International Revenue Share fraud (IRSF) and the Wangiri/One-ring scam.
Exclusive Reactive Algorithm
A patented, unique algorithm is at the core of our FraudAlert solution. Our in-house developed algorithm is fed with “real-time” active call details, enabling our new technology to monitor, analyze, and evaluate calls while in session. Unlike traditional FMS which only analyze call data records (CDRs) once a call is completed (i.e. CDRs), the enhanced FraudAlert system significantly reduces fraud detection processing, which at the end of the day minimizes our customers’ fraud related losses.
Proactive Fraud Detection and Prevention
iBasis is working with iconectiv, integrating its authoritative numbering data into our FraudAlert system for fraud detection and prevention. iconectiv provides robust, reliable and accurate numbering data that includes unallocated, IPRN and other high-risk number ranges which are often used for terminating fraud traffic. Invalidating calls to these high-risk ranges at the ingress of our network, ensures that our customers’ traffic is protected.
By combining our FraudAlert algorithm with iconectiv’s authoritative number data, our customers benefit from a comprehensive, state of the art, fraud prevention solution.
To learning more about iBasis’ FraudAlert capabilities and schedule a demonstration please email us at fraudalert@ibasis.net