Olympic Peak Performance: A Winning Strategy to Roaming Connectivity
As Paris prepares to host the 2024 Summer Olympics from July 26 to August 11, the spotlight not only shines on the athletes but also on the technological infrastructure.
As Paris prepares to host the 2024 Summer Olympics from July 26 to August 11, the spotlight not only shines on the athletes but also on the technological infrastructure.
Speakers from iBASIS and Kaleido Intelligence and mobile operators Bouygues, KPN, and Telus gathered for a fast-paced, interactive session to gain insights based on practical case studies.
As summer in the Northern Hemisphere is now behind us, it is a good time to reflect on the development of data roaming traffic during this peak season in 2019.
iBASIS announces the appointment of JC Geha as its COO to lead global operations, engineering, IT, and product development.
Overall iBASIS traffic increased 26% during the match and despite roaming season only beginning we surpassed the data usage peak of last summer.
As peak European roaming season approaches, we are finishing our preparations for summer. We completed numerous bandwidth upgrades and added several 100Gbps interconnects in Europe.
Lexington, MA – iBASIS, the leading communications solutions provider enabling operators and digital players worldwide, announces that Wind Hellas, one of the largest telecommunications companies in
Lexington, MA – iBASIS, the leading communications solutions provider enabling operators and digital players worldwide, announces today its partnership with Qroam, the first wholesale roaming
What a busy few months it has been. We kicked off the peak roaming season with 2.9 million foreign fans travelling to Russia for the
The World Cup is now behind us and what a busy few weeks it has been. We at iBasis have kept a very close eye
Russia is expecting to welcome over 1 million fans to the World Cup 2018. That’s a million roamers with devices able to send stadium selfies
This past summer the Roam Like Home policy has significantly increased both signaling and data volumes. This is a trend which will be here to
As of June 15th, mobile users travelling to other countries in the EU are now able to call and surf the net without paying any
If you are concerned about VoLTE Roaming models, IMS interoperability, interconnectivity between different roaming models, end-user quality of experience, we encourage you to attend iBasis CTO Ajay Joseph’s session on “VoLTE Roaming Challenges” on Tuesday September 29th at 15.20 at the LTE Voice Summit in London.
Ajay will discuss the best way to approach VoLTE Roaming to achieve both high quality and fast time-to-market, including results of recent VoLTE trials and innovative solutions to help you achieve the benefits of taking VoLTE global.
Hot Telecom recently interviewed Willem Offerhaus, iBasis CEO to learn how iBasis is innovating as the wholesale voice market evolves to support voice in the new IP world. In the interview Willem explains how iBasis is continuing to be a leading international voice provider and innovator — among the first to launch IPX, LTE roaming, and more recently, the first to conduct successful international VoLTE roaming trials.
The GSMA’s inaugural Wholesale Agreements and Solutions Group (WAS#1, formerly BARG) kicked off in Dubai on Monday 16th of March. The event attracts roaming and